Walking Aids are an inexpensive way to regain some of your independence. There are different types available and prices start from just £50

Our staff will help to guide you to a walker or rollator that’s comfortable, easy to use and suited to the tasks you want to use it for. We have over 30 walking aids on display in our Showroom based in Lewes, East Sussex. All are available for you to try before you buy.


Walker or Rollator?

Generally speaking, a frame without wheels is known as a ‘Walker’ or a ‘Zimmer frame’, and one with wheels is a ‘Rollator’. In practise however, manufacturers interchange the terms, so to make things easier we have added all our online walking aids into the same category, Walking Aids.


What type of Walking Aid is right for me?

It largely depends on what you intend to use it for. If you’re just using it around the house on level ground, a fixed walking frame, trolley or small 3 or 4 wheel rollator is likely your best option.

For outside use on pavements, we would always recommend a 4 wheel model to cope with undulations in the ground, and you may want to consider a model with a built-in seat to provide a bit of respite when needed.

If you’re likely to be doing a lot of travelling with your rollator, it may be best to consider a model that easily folds up to go in the boot of a car.


What else might I need?

It’s worth thinking about the access to and through your property, and considering whether life with a walking aid may be made easier with a set of ramps.

If you’re likely to want to take the walking aid around with you, we can often fit a walker/rollator holder to your mobility scooter so you can carry it around with you.

Should you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us on 03442 161616