COVID19 Precautions

The Coronavirus lockdown is a great worry to all of us, and especially to many of our clients, who fall within the ‘shielded’ group – being elderly, suffering from compromised immune systems or other ailments.
We’ve taken professional advice on what best to do for our customers, and been instructed that we can stay open and continue to help people with a serious need for mobility aids – for example those who need scooters/electric wheelchairs to get their groceries & medications, stairlifts to be able to use their stairs for the toilet/bedroom, and of course we are still providing emergency call-outs for any critical equipment that develops faults etc during this crisis.
While we are still open, be assured we’re doing all we can to ensure Orange Badge is a safe, clean, great place to visit.
Our Showroom
Thankfully we’re located on our own little farm in the Sussex countryside, well away from busy areas such as town centres and garden centres where viruses can easily spread.
We sanitise every product after it’s been demonstrated, make sure our door handles are regularly disinfected and all of our showroom staff are trained to do their utmost in being pro-active and keeping us a corona-free zone. Our showroom is now marked out into two metre plus exclusion zones, and you’ll be advised on how to use them upon visiting us before entering the building, as well as issued gloves (for those who can wear them). Please don’t visit us in groups of more than two.
If you are symptomatic with possible Coronavirus, such as a cough and temperature then please follow the government advice and DO NOT visit us. Please follow this advice even if you suspect you only have a cold or similar. If we suspect you are symptomatic you will not be permitted entry to the building, and we have a duty of care to report any possible cases which could result in action being taken against you by the authorities.
Demonstrations & Deliveries
All equipment used for home demonstrations, and all items out for delivery are thoroughly sanitised before we attend your property, and we’ve issued all our delivery staff with disposable gloves & sanitiser to make doubly sure you’re as safe as possible.
Before attending your property we will ask you if you’re self-isolating, in a vulnerable group or symptomatic, and if so we will pick up or drop off your mobility products in a mutually agreed location (such as your porch, conservatory or garage) to avoid any direct contamination.
For any further information, feel free to give us a call on 03442 161616